Cleansing and Spa Retreat - 11/11/11


Come and join us at Zamzam Riad for our Cleansing and Meditative Spa Retreat. The date 111111 marks a huge shift in Mother Earth from the 3rd to the 4th dimension. This is a big change in the planet as we know it and will also be a huge change in human consciousness. The dates of this retreat are perfect for Meditation, Energy, Spa Cleansing and Healing Foods.

This retreat is all about nurturing and we have a fabulous team who have developed a suberb retreat in our luxury surroundings. Visit Morocco Retreat by clicking on the link to see full details and programmes. This is a stunning time in Marrakech of bright sunny autumn dys and cool evenings sitting round the fire. Email me with any questions or help with planning flights -
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