Handira Gems - Zamzam Boutique

Since a year ago when I posted the gorgeous orange handira on my website which flew out the Boutique, I have many of you emailing me if I have any more or if I can find such pieces like that. The answer so far has been no, until this morning when I got a call. "I have 3 pieces, really good ones, shall I come to your riad?" Yes please do come now I said getting all excited. 30 minutes later the door bell rang and in entered The 3 Wise Handira, Red, Green and Black, all vintage, all gorgeous. I thought I had forgotten to take my asthma puffer but remembered I had. I must calm down I thought, chill out! but the literally took my breath away. I'll take them all I said, thank you so much and off he went. Immediately one of the writers staying with us for the AiM festival came out. "what are they he said, can I have one?" he was nearly as flustered as me, he had no idea what they were but he was intoxicated. Red or green, red or green, ok i'm having the green. Although I'm happy he bought it and was so thrilled with his treasure I would have liked to play with it a little longer!
Anyhow, this is the red one!!
I was wearing it, I told Fatiya if the king ever invites me to tea this is what I will wear, she knows I'm mad.
Thousands of sequins it looks like a fish the way it shimmers. Drop me an email. Zamzam Boutique - there are lots of gorgeous classic ones in my collection too go and have a look.
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